Saturday February 8, 2025

Turn your garden into a significant source of income with SPIN-Farming ®!


Turn Your Community Garden into a Change Agent.

Take your community garden to the next level by using SPIN to convert initial interest and enthusiasm into serious, long-term food production capacity.

Spin Gardening bullet Gardening Community Gardens Passalong (PDF 26KB)

Small Plots Are Worth BIG Food Dollars.

Use this handy back of the envelope calculator for figuring out how much your yard is worth in food dollars, once a SPIN garden is planted there.

Spin Gardening bullet Gardening Calculator Passalong (PDF 320KB)

See what SPIN-Gardening is all about.

What distinguishes SPIN-Gardening from other gardening approaches? It's a complete end-to-end vegetable production system that shows you how to become both your own grower and grocer by adapting professional sub-acre farming techniques to your home outdoor space or community garden plot. By getting into the mindset of a sub-acre farmer, you'll produce more bountiful, consistent, appealing and valuable harvests.

To help get your head around how SPIN differs from conventional home gardening, here's a translation of the important terms you'll hear if you find yourself in a room full of SPIN gardeners.

Spin Gardening bullet Lexicon (PDF 152KB)

Get growing now with this SPIN-Gardening starter plot.

To get a taste for what SPIN is all about, use this plan for a SPIN-Gardening starter plot. It will get you off to a fast start in achieving levels of productivity and diversification that go far beyond current home gardening practices.

Spin Gardening bullet Starter Plot (PDF 93KB)

Negotiate for backyard cropland.

Like SPIN farmers, SPIN gardeners utilize nearby yards, lawns and remnant spaces of friends and neighbors to expand their production. Here are some key points to consider when you are ready to negotiate for prime backyard cropland.

Spin Gardening  bullet Backyard Cropland Negotiating Points (PDF 326KB)

Help bring agriculture back home.

Every so often, some say every thirty years or so, cultures undergo pronounced transformations. This is happening now. People are coming together to think things through again, make certain re-appropriations, create a new ideal. For many, this new ideal includes producing food closer to home. If you would like to join in this new spin on food production, here are some ways you can walk the talk.

Spin Gardening bullet Action Points (PDF 108KB)